Paint the (Un)scene
A pair of scene-setting techniques to add cinematic flair to your game without compromising your 'blorb' principles!
A pair of scene-setting techniques to add cinematic flair to your game without compromising your 'blorb' principles!
Haggling over all possible futures and making deals with the devil.
For the March 2025 RPG Blog Carnival, let's hop over the garden wall and explore beyond the OSR for glinting treasures of alternative play.
With just a little extra seasoning, this soup will turn out delicious.
To advance to the next level, you must achieve something your peers would consider worthy, and then proclaim your new title.
What if instead of those musty spellbooks, living spells must be borne?
Luxuriate in the slower pacing and sparser liminal space that is the interstitium.
Simplified expedition logistics for a more civilized fantasy adventure game.
Free as in beer and free as in speech games to fire your imagination gaming.
An immodest rebuttal of the any-mile hex, for the map is not the territory, and time is a flat hexagon.
An algebraically quadruple-powered method of attribute generation, for the profusion of Xd6 roll-under games on your shelf of shame!
From dark delights to flights of fancy, experience this incredible finale of a fugue month half-lived and less remembered.
Demystifying the art of persuasion, and practical tips for refereeing illusions and enchantments.
A doubly-rigged election and the earth-shattering leavings of a Wurm.
Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Overloaded Encounter Die with a fiery rebuke!
I'm hosting the RPG Blog Carnival for February, and I lay the groundwork for my nominated topic of Illusions & Delusions.
When against all odds and reason, a cunning plan to ignore the dying king for several sessions all comes together.
Gate-crash an eternal faerie wedding party and make off like bandits.
What can we learn from computer science and games, and back port to our own LTS 1.0 wetware?
A circuitous trip back to Lankshorn, ending where they started, a little older but none the wiser.
Blacked out by 19 bong O'clock and the modulo arithmetic of sobriety dice.
Don't keep the hounds from the door, and offer yourself to the wolf with the red roses.
The bad wrong fun of playing Barkeep on the Borderlands by almost none of the rules.
Journaling a new Dolmenwood campaign, and reflections on starting with momentum and challenging characters.
Triple threat: a New Year's resolution mechanic, synchronous world-building challenges, and #GoodHuman24
Does campaign play necessitate character advancement, and are Oddlikes really at a disadvantage?
The fantasy heartbreaker as a term has been thoroughly reclaimed by intrepid creators who just want to put some of their skin into the game. I have an unreasonable fondness for these endeavours, drawn by their modest glimmers, and pin them in my gaming folder of shame. Akin to insecta
How can we simplify task design by leveraging natural affordances?
How Deathmatch Island and The Silt Verses RPG play with endings.
Most games don't want to be played. So what does it take to rise above the ranks?
We don't ask dungeon crawling procedures to do the heavy lifting for creativity, so why should journeys?
Graph theory, flippant orthodoxy, and lighting the beacons.